Resources for Caregivers
Guides for the Journey
“What will the future look like?” is a question every caregiver asks when they are facing a mental illness in a loved one. Whether it is Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, Anxiety, Depressive disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or a panic disorder, seeking a diagnosis, walking alongside, and planning for the future are all major hurdles that seem like Everest. We’ve prepared some helpful guides to make the path easier for you.
Obtaining and Providing Mental Health Information
Are you caring for an individual with mental illness and looking to receive information from health care professionals, or give information to those professionals? We’ve compiled some basic information, forms and foundational information for you to walk through conversations with confidence.
Financial Planning for the Future
The future can seem insurmountable when your loved one is diagnosed with a mental illness. Many people experiencing serious and persistent mental illness are unable to learn a living due to disability. We’ve compiled the various provincial and federal avenues to provide for your loved one.